Adv. Certification in CakePHP
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CakePHP is nothing but a framework of the web application that is an open source. It is an abbreviation of Hypertext Processor. It is a programming language for creating websites, which are database driven and dynamic. Management of company’s own content, handling of additional security, allowing users to interact etc. is done under CakePHP. The database that is being connected to PHP is MySQL. The course will teach you everything about the creating of the website, which is incredibly outstanding, and attractive to viewer’s site.
The very purpose of learning this course is building of PHP websites, which are connected through the database of MySQL. It focuses on the development and access to the application of the website. It deals with the services of websites and enhances them for the global market.
Course Outline:
The course deals with the study of
- Introduction to CakePHP, application and the implementation of PHP, configuration and controlling of the models and behaviors etc.
- It covers up the information on topics of developing the conventions of PHP, studying the folder handling of PHP, requirements and preparation for the installment etc.
- It has the contents, which help you comprehend the concepts of data sources, views, helpers, scaffolding, plugins, vendor packages etc.
- The course contains the complete briefing about the error handling, debugging, data sanitization, caching, logging, testing, localizing, pagination etc.
- It also covers the topics that teach you about the web application, integration and shopping of the CakePHP. It helps you understand about the customization and management of the PHP.
Course Outcome:
On its completion, the students will get to have the complete knowledge of dealing with the common tasks of PHP, knowing about the packaging, internationalization and localization. You will gain confidence in approach to problem solving because of the extensive training you have got during the course. You will also have the surety of meeting the deadlines within a specific time limit.
Technologies used:
Different technologies are used that promote e-mailing, security, cookies, request in handling the components. Technologies used also help you study the various forms of AJAX, JavaScript, and HTML etc. It helps you know about the developing of the website under license, so everyone has a free access to it.
Career Scope:
Real time project training on completion of 75% of the syllabus is provided by teachers for implementation of the techniques learnt. This will help you clear all the doubts and concepts during classroom teachings. With the knowledge of these concepts, you will be able to have the opportunities welcoming you for the placements in major companies, and also, as tutors in different firms or institutes.
Why TGC?:
TGC offers rigorous learning programs that help you in your career. TGChas best facilities, and also, the infrastructure. Its set of trained faculties will help you with the guidance and query resolving approach throughout the session.
Kindly contact our representative for more information on CakePHP training.
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