Pursuing a career in animation was not an option at all in the past, but with the sudden upsurge of technology, it is now one of the most interesting and promising career options for youngsters in India. Rather than doing a job that you care less about, Indian youth now gets to explore their ideas and imagination while they earn a decent income.
What is Animation?
Basically, the animation is the process of photographing static drawings or images to create a motion picture. If you are interested in animations, you get to choose from a range of career options such as,
- Animator
- 3D modeler
- Layout maker
- Graphic designer
- Video editor
With advanced computers, animators are able to create amazing motion pictures that are later used for advertisements, promotional videos, and even movies. If you want to have a successful career in the field of animation, you’ll need good drawing and sketching skills along with good knowledge of various designing software.
Career in Animation
To practice and perfect the required skills, it is best to join an institute providing diploma courses in animation. Institutes can offer you interactive training and also familiarise you with the latest technology running in the business. Classes are offered by expert teachers from different departments of the animation industry. Students are provided applicable knowledge to help them survive in the industry. With a diploma in your hand, you will have no trouble finding a job. There are several animationdiploma and PG diploma courses such as Diploma in 3G animations, Diploma in 2G animation, Diploma in Animations Software and PG Diploma in Animation Technology/Graphics and animation. There are many institutes providing these courses. So, it is very important that you check the authenticity of their certifications before you apply.
Benefits of Animation
A career in animation has hundreds of benefits. Here are a few major benefits that will enchant you the most.
- An animator gets the freedom to imagine and create his own work of art. Most of the work will need creativity and innovative ideas to make something new. Not many professions allow this freedom.
- No industry is as stable as the entertainment industry in India, and animation has now become an integral part of this industry. With animated movies being praised as much as the motion pictures, animators and graphic designers have a great opportunity to test their skills to the extreme.
- Television commercials also use animations to attract their customers. 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional techniques are gaining high popularity in the advertising industry.
- A dream job for any animator is the gaming industry. With this industry slowly catching pace in India, you can expect great opportunities to express your imagination and ideas, once you get your diploma.
- A diploma holder gets a starting salary between Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000. A senior animator gets around Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000. This means, you can start at a decent salary and gradually get higher pay according to your experience and expertise.
With so many benefits of a career in animation, all you need to do is enroll in a reputed institute to complete your diploma in animation to begin a career full of interesting challenges and gains.
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