In the world of Search Engine Optimization, a lot of mistakes are carried out daily. These practices are called mistakes because they negate the positive effect that a search engine optimization process is supposed to afford a website, rendering the whole exercise futile. The importance of attending SEO training Institutes with up to date SEO techniques and practices cannot be overemphasized. Reading up techniques from the internet and applying them might become dangerous to the success of any SEO activity.
What are the common mistakes in SEO?
- LINK BUILDING ERRORS: In order to get backlinks to a website, a lot of SEO workers submit links to lots of directories that bears no relation or similarity to the site that is being optimized. An example of this is sending an “SEO Training Institutes In Delhi” link to a financial management directory hoping to get link juice. This is simply called spamming and with updates in the algorithms of search engines, such activity can now be discovered and penalized. Back Links should be from sites and directories with considerable relativity in topics and themes to the site being optimized. The same goes with reciprocal links and link farms. Penguin ranking algorithm has been constantly updated to discover sites with reciprocal links and belonging to link farms and to effectively punish them. This punishment usually ranges from loss of PageRank to total blacklisting from the search engines.
- ARTICLE SPINNING: Submitting spun articles on behalf of a website has now become a major black SEO technique. Using an online spinner or software makes spun articles easily detectable by search engine algorithms. The use of articles in search engine optimization is very important for blog content, article submission, guest blogging, press releases etc. However, using spun articles would result in severe penalties from the Search Engine.
- KEYWORD STUFFING: Keyword stuffing is of two kinds
- Overshooting the keyword density and prominence permitted for articles. Keyword density above 1% is now regarded as unsafe, this is down from a very high 4% some years back. Keyword stuffing makes articles sound unnatural and might lead to severe SEO penalties.
- Using too many keywords for a website or page. Using So many unrelated keywords for a website or page gives a spam signal to the search engines. For example “SEO training Institutes in Delhi “can be used with “web design training” but not web design services or a host of other keywords in completely different spheres.
A lot of SEO amateurs share post and blogs from social media user accounts that are not really used for anything else apart from sharing. These handlers have no significant history, followers or friends. They simply use them once in a while to share posts. This is simply a waste of time, same as using the Meta keywords tags which are not used by the search engine anymore. TGC India is an SEO Training Institute in Delhi
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