
Post Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence
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Module 1: Getting started with Python programming
- Overview
- Introductory Remarks about Python
- A Brief History of Python
- How python is differ from other languages
- Python Versions
- Installing Python and Environment Setup
- Getting Help
- How to execute Python program
- Writing your first Python program
- How to work on different Popular IDE’s
[IDLE, Jupyter Notebook, Spyder etc.]
Module 2: Variables, Keywords and Operators
- Variables
- Memory mapping of variables
- Keywords in Python
- Comments in python
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- >Basics I/O and Type casting
- Getting user input
Module 3: Data types in Python
- Numbers
- Strings
- Lists
- Tuples
- Dictionary
- Sets
Module 4: Numbers and Strings
- Introduction to Python ‘Number’ & ‘string’ data types
- Properties of a string
- String built-in functions
- Programming with strings
- String formatting
Module 5: Lists and Tuples
- Introduction to Python ‘list’ data type
- Properties of a list
- List built-in functions
- Programming with lists
- List comprehension
- Introduction to Python ‘tuple’ data type
- Tuples as Read only lists
Module 6: Dictionary and Sets
- Introduction to Python ‘dictionary’ data type
- Creating a dictionary
- Dictionary built-in functions
- Introduction to Python ‘set’ data type
- Set and set properties
- Set built-in functions
Module 7: Decision making & Loops
- Introduction of Decision Making
- Control Flow and Syntax
- The if Statement
- The if…else Statement
- The if…elif…else Statement
- Nested if…else Statement
- The while Loop
- break and continue Statement
- The for Loop
- Pass statement
- Exercise
Module 8: User defined Functions
- Introduction of functions
- Function definition and return
- Function call and reuse
- Function parameters
- Function recipe and docstring
- Scope of variables
- Recursive functions
- Lambda Functions / Anonymous Functions
- Map , Filter & Reduce functions
- Iterators
- Generators
- Zip function
Module 9: Modules and Packages
- Modules
- Importing module
- Standard Module – sys
- Standard Module – OS
- The dir Function
- Packages
- Exercise
Module 10: Exception Handling in Python
- Understanding exceptions
- Run Time Errors
- Handling I/O Exceptions
- try, except, else and finally statement
- raising exceptions with: raise, assert
Module 11: File Handling in Python
- Working with files
- File objects and Modes of file operations
- Reading, writing and use of ‘with’ keyword
- read(), readline(), readlines(), seek(), tell() methods
- Handling comma separated value files (CSV file handling)
Module 12: Regular expression
- Pattern matching
- Meta characters for making patterns
- re flags
- Use of match() , sub() , findall(), search(), split() methods
Module 13: Project Work
- Student Management System Project using List
- Bank Management System Project using Dictionary
- Hotel Management System Project using Function
- Employee Management System Project using File Handling
Part -2 Advance Excel:
Module 1: Introduction to MS Excel Environment
- Introduction to Excel Interface
- Features of MS Excel
- MS Excel functions
- Understanding of data calculations in Excel
- Formatting of data calculation
- Understanding about Sorting, Filtering & Validation MS
- Understanding of Data Tools Panel
- Excel Different Types of Charts Creation
- How to Create Pivot Table & Pivot Charts
- Basics of Macro Recording
- Implementation of Vlookup() & Hlookup() Functions
Module 2: Dashboard Designing in MS Excel
- Introduction to Dashboards
- Designing Sample Dashboard
- Step-by-step Excel dashboard tutorial
- Representation of Dashboard data
- Organizing data in Dashboard
- Tips and Tricks to enhance dashboard designing
Module 3: Project Work
- Dashboard Analysis Project in Excel
- Stock Management System Project in Excel
Part -3 SQL:
Module 1: Introduction to Database
- Overview of SQL
- Database Concepts
- What is Database Package
- Understanding Data Storage
- Relational Database (RDBMS) Concept
Module 2: SQL (Structured Query Language)
- SQL Basic
- SQL Commands
- DDL: create, alter, drop, rename
- SQL constraints: not null, unique, primary key etc.
- DML: insert, update, delete
- DQL: select
- TCL: rollback, commit
- Select distinct keyword
- SQL where
- SQL operators
- SQL like, not like
- SQL between, not between
- SQL order by
- SQL limit
- SQL aliases
- SQL joins: Inner join, Left Outer join, Right Outer join, Full join
- Mysql functions
- Numeric functions: max(), min(), avg(), sum(), count() etc.
- Date & Time functions: now(), today(), curdate(), curtime()
- SQL Subquery
Part -4 Data Analysis:
- What is data analysis?
- Why python for data analysis?
- Essential Python Libraries Installation and setup
- Ipython
- Jupyter Notebook
- Introduction to Numpy
- Numpy Arrays
- Numpy Data types
- Numpy Array Indexing
- Numpy Mathematical Operations
- Indexing and slicing
- Manipulating array shapes
- Stacking arrays
- Sorting arrays
- Creating array views and copies
- I/O with NumPy
- Numpy Statistics related Functions
- Numpy Exercises
- Introduction to Pandas
- Data structure of pandas
- Pandas Series
- Pandas dataframes
- Data aggregation with Pandas
- DataFrames Concatenating and appending
- DataFrames Joining
- DataFrames Handling missing data
- Data Indexing and Selection
- Operating on data in pandas
- loc and iloc
- map,apply,apply_map
- group_by
- string methods
- Querying data in pandas
- Dealing with dates
- Reading and Writing to CSV files with pandas
- Reading and Writing to Excel with pandas
- Reading and Writing to SQL with pandas
- Reading and Writing to HTML files with pandas
- Pandas Exercises
Part -5 Data Visualization:
MODULE 1: Matplotlib
- Introduction of Matplotlib
- Basic matplotlib plots
- Line Plots
- Bar Plots
- Pie Plots
- Scatter plots
- Histogram Plots
- Subplot
- Saving plots to file
- Plotting functions in matplotlib
- Matplotlib Exercises
MODULE 2: Seaborn
- Introduction of Seaborn
- Categorical Plots
- Bar Plots
- Box Plots
- Heatmaps Plots
- Pair Plots
- Regression Plots
- Style and Color
- Seaborn Exercise
MODULE 3: Plotly – Python Plotting
- Introduction to Plotly – Python Plotting
- Plotly
MODULE 4: Geographical Plotting
- Introduction to Geographical Plotting
- Choropleth Maps – Part 1
- Choropleth Maps – Part 2
- Choropleth Exercises
- Projects using Analysis and Visualisation
Part -6 Statistics, Probability & Business Analytics:
MODULE 1: Introduction to Basic Statistics
- Overview of Statistics
- Data types and their measures
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Arithmetic mean
- Harmonic mean
- Geometric mean
- Median
- Mode
- Variance
- Standard deviation
- Quartile: First quartile, Second quartile, Third quartile, IQR
- Correlation & Covariance Matrix
MODULE 2: Probability Distributions
- Introductio of probability
- Conditiona probability
- Norma distribution
- Unifor distribution
- Frequenc distribution
- Centra limit theorem
MODULE 3: Hypothesis Testing
- Concept of Hypothesis Testing
- Statistical Methods
- Z-Test
- T-Test
- Chi-Square Test
- One Way Anova Test
- Two Way Anova Test
Part -7 Machine Learning:
MODULE 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
- What is Machine learning?
- Overview about scikit-learn package
- Types of ML
- Basic steps of ML
- ML algorithms
- Machine learning examples
MODULE 2: Data Preprocessing / Data Cleaning
- Dealing with missing data
- Identifying missing values
- Imputing missing values
- Drop samples with missing values
- Handling with categorical data
- Nominal and Ordinal features
- Encoding class labels
- One hot encoding
- Split data into training and testing sets
- Feature scaling
- Feature Selection
- How to Handle Outliers & Removal
- Underfitting and Overfitting
MODULE 3: Supervised Learning
- Classification
- Regression
MODULE 4: Unsupervised Learning
- Clustering
MODULE 5: KNN Classifiers
- K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN)
- KNN Theory
- KNN implementation
- KNN Project Overview and Project Solutions
MODULE 6: Regression Based Learning
- Linear Regression Theory
- Dependent and independent Variables
- Linear Regression with Python implementation
- Linear Regression Project on Predicting House Price
- Multiple linear regression
- Polynomial regression
- Regularization
MODULE 7: Logistic Regression for Classification
- Logistic Regression Theory
- Binary and multiclass classification
- Implementing titanic dataset
- Implementing iris dataset
- Sigmoid and softmax functions
MODULE 8: Decision Tree Classification
- Introduction to decision trees
- Entropy and Information gain
- Introduction to bagging algorithm
- Implementation with iris dataset
- Visualizing Decision Tree
- Ensemble Learning
- Random forest
- Bagging and boosting
- Voting classifier
- Project on Decision Tree models
MODULE 9: Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Introduction to SVM
- Working of SVM and its uses
- Working with High Dimensional Data
- Kernel, gamma, margin
- Breast Cancer Prediction Project using SVM
MODULE 10: Naive Bayes Algorithm
- Conditional Probability
- Overview of Naïve Bayes Algorithm
- Feature extraction
- CountVectorizer
- TfidfVectorizer
- Email Spam Filtering Project using naïve Bayes classifier
MODULE 11 Model Selection Techniques
- Cross Validation via K-Fold
- Grid and random search for hyper parameter tuning
MODULE 12: Clustering Based Learning
- K-means Clustering Algorithm
- Elbow technique
- Silhouette coefficient
- K Means Clustering Project Overview
- K Means Clustering Project Solutions
MODULE 13: Recommendation System
- Content based technique
- Collaborative filtering technique
- Evaluating similarity based on correlation
- Classification-based recommendations
- Movie Recommendation System Project
MODULE 14: Principal Component Analysis
- Need for dimensionality reduction
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- PCA Project with Python on cancer Dataset
MODULE 15: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Install nltk
- Tokenize words
- Tokenizing sentences
- Stop words with NLTK
- Stemming & Lemmatization words with NLTK
- Sentiment Analysis
- Twitter Sentiment analysis Project
MODULE 16: Working with OpenCV (Computer Vision)
- Basic of Computer Vision & OpenCV
- Reading and writing images
- Resizing image
- Applying image filters
- Writing text on images
- Image Manipulations
- Image Segmentation
- Understanding haar classifiers
- Object Detection
- People ,Car, Bike, Bus Detection
- Face, eyes detection
- How to use webcam in OpenCV
- Building image dataset
- Capturing video
- Face Recognition based Attendance System Project
Part -8 Deep Learning:
MODULE 1: Introduction to Deep Learning
- What is Deep Learning?
- Deep Learning Packages
- Deep Learning Applications
- Building deep learning environment
- Installing tensor flow locally
- Understanding Google Colab
MODULE 2: Tensor Flow Basics
- What is tensorflow?
- Tensorflow 1.x v/s tensorflow 2.x
- Variables, Constants, Placeholder
- Scalar, vector, matrix
- Operations using tensorflow
- Difference between tensorflow and numpy operations
- Tensor Flow Computational graph
MODULE 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Network
- What is Artificial Neural Network (ANN)?
- How neural network works?
- Perceptron
- Multilayer Perceptron
- Feedforward
- Back propagation
MODULE 4: Activation Functions
- What does Activation Functions do?
- Linear Activation Function
- Sigmoid function
- Hyperbolic tangent function (tanh)
- ReLU –rectified linear unit
- Softmax function
MODULE 5: Optimizers
- What does optimizers do?
- Gradient descent
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Learning rate , epoch
MODULE 6: Building Artificial Neural Network
- Using scikit implementation
- Using tensorflow
- Understanding mnist dataset
- Initializing weights and biases
- Defining loss/cost function
- Train the neural network
- Minimizing the loss by adjusting weights and biases
MODULE 7: Modern Deep Learning Optimizers
- SGD with momentum
- RMSprop
- AdaGrad
- Adam
- Dropout layers and regularization
MODULE 8: Building Deep Neural Network Using Keras
- What is keras?
- Keras fundamental for deep learning
- Keras sequential model and functional api
- Solve a linear regression and classification problem with example
- Saving and loading a keras model
MODULE 9: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- Introduction to CNN?
- CNN architecture
- Convolutional operations
- Pooling, stride and padding operations
- Data augmentation
- Building, training and evaluating first CNN model
- Auto encoders for CNN
MODULE 10: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
- Introduction to RNN?
- RNN architecture
- Implementing basic RNN in tensorflow
- Need for LSTM and GRU
- Text classification using LSTM
MODULE 11: Speech Recognition APIs
- Text to speech
- Speech to Text
- Automate task using voice
- Voice search on web
MODULE 12: Projects
- Bike Detection & Counting the no. of Bikes passing Yellow Line
- Stock Price Prediction Using LSTM
- Attendance System Using based on Face Recognition
- Gender Prediction Project
- Face Mask Detection Project using keras & openCV
- Email spam filtering Project
- Hand Written Digits & Letters Prediction
- Movie Recommendation System
- Chat Bot Project using Tensorflow with Keras
- Virtual Voice Assistant Project
Part -9 R Language:
Module 1: Introduction to R
- What is R
- History of R
- Features of R
- Obtaining and managing R
- Installing R
- Perform basic operations in R using command line
- Packages
- Input/output
- R interfaces
- R Library
- Working with RStudio
Module 2: Data Types and Objects
- Data Types
- Variables in R
- Scalars
- Vectors
- Factors
- Numbers
- Attributes
- Entering Inputs
- Evaluation
- Printing
- Missing Objects
- Data Frames
- R Objects
- Matrices
- Using c, Cbind and Rbind
- attach and detach functions in R
- Lists
- Missing Values
- Names
Module 3: Data Management
- Reading Data
- Writing data
- Reading data files with tables
- Files connection
- Reading lines of Text files
- Sorting Data
- Merging Data
- Aggregating Data
- Reshaping Data
Module 4: Import and Export Data in R
- Importing data in to R
- CSV File
- Excel File
- Import data from text table
Module 5: Control Structures and Functions
- Control statements [if,if..else,next,return]
- Loop statements [while, for, repeat]
- Functions
- Function arguments & options
- Scoping rules of R
- Loop Functions [Lapply,Tapply,Mapply,Sapply,Apply etc.]
Module 6: Database connectivity with R
- How to install RMysql Package
- How to connect R to Mysql Database
- Operation on Mysql Queries on R
Module 7: Date and Time in R
- Dates in R
- Times in R
- Operation on Dates and Time on R
Module 8: Regular Expression & Random Numbers
- Creating Random Numbers
- Generating Random Numbers
- Random Sampling
- Pattern matching
- Meta characters for making patterns
- Regular Expression functions
Part -10 Data Analysis using R:
- What is data analysis?
- Why R for data analysis?
- Essential R Libraries Installation and setup
- Rstudio Overview
- The dplyr Package
- Installing the dplyr package
- select()
- filter()
- arrange()
- rename()
- slice()
- join()
- distinct()
- mutate()
- group_by()
- summarise()
- sample_n()
- sample_frac()
- %>% [Pipe Operator]
- The tidyr Package
- Installing the tidyr package
- Installing the data.table package
- Cleaning data
- Data Sorting
- Merging data
- Find & Remove duplicate record
- gather()
- spread()
- separate()
- unite()
Note :
- In this module, we start with a sample of a dirty data set and perform Data Cleaning on it, resulting in a data
set, which is ready for any analysis. - Thus using and exploring the popular functions required to clean data in R.
Part -11 Data Visualization using R:
- Basic Plotting
- Basic plots in R
- Line Plots
- Bar Plots
- Pie Plots
- Box Plots
- Scatter plots
- Histogram Plots
- Saving plots to file
- Plotting functions in R
- Plotting Exercises
GGPLOT 2 Visualization
- Introduction of ggplot2 visualization package
- Layers of ggplot2 package
- How to install ggplot2 package
- Introduction of ggplot2 cheat sheet
- Histogram Plots
- Scatter plots
- Bar Plots
- Box Plots
- Line Plots
- Pie Plots
- QQ Plots
- Style and Color
- ggplot2 Package Exercise
MODULE 3: Interactive Visualizations with Plotly
- Overview of Plotly and Interactive Visualizations
- How to install Plotly Interactive Visualization Package
- Plotly Visualizations
Part -12 Core Tableau for Data Analysis:
MODULE 1: Working with Tableau Desktop
- Introduction to Tableau
- What is Tableau?
- Kinds of tableau
- Tableau architecture
- Overview to different versions
- Installation of Tableau Desktop
- Understanding tableau user interface
- Connect Tableau to Datasets
- Data analysis with tableau
- Bar Charts
- Area Charts
- Scatter Charts
- Pie Charts
- Creating maps and setting map options
- Creating Dashboards
- Interactive Dashboards
- Storylines
- Joins
- Data Blending
- Table Calculations
- Parameters
- Dual Axis Charts
- Calculated Fields
- Time series Data Analysis
- Data Extracts
- Aggregation, Granularity, and Level of Detail
- Filters and Quick Filters
- Data Hierarchies
- Assigning Geographical Roles to Data Elements
- Assignments and Projects
For a complete breakdown of the modules in this Course,
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