R Programming course in Delhi
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Module 1
Introduction to R Programming course in Delhi
- What is R?
- What is S?
- R features
- Design of R
- Limitations
Module 2
Data Types and Objects
- Enter input
- Evaluation
- R Objects
- Numbers
- Attributes
- Creating Vectors
- Matrices
- List
- Factors
- Missing Values, Data frames
- Names
Module 3
Getting Data In and Out of R
- Reading and writing data
- Reading datafiles
- Reading Large datasets
- Calculating Memory Requirements
- Textual and Binary format for storing data
- Connections
- R Programming course in Delhi
Module 4
Subsetting of R Objects
- Subsetting a Vector
- Matix, List, Nested elements of list,
- Extracting multiple elements of list
- Removing NA values
Module 5
Vectorized Operations
- Vectorized Operations
- Date and Times
Module 6
Control Structures and Functions
- Control statements and loop statements
- Functions
- Scoping rules of R
- Loop Functions
Module 7
Regular Expression & Random Numbers
- Regular Expression and Random Number Generation
Module 8
Implementation of Algorithm
- Implementating the K-Means and Apriori Algorithm
Module 9
Data Visualization
- Histogram
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- PI Chart
- Heat map
- Hexbean Map
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