Adv. Certification in Special Effects
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This course offers you to master in exquisite skills of Visual Effects in the areas of TV Advertisements, Gaming and Animations. Optical Effects are the effects used in photography compiled with fine techniques of dealing with images, which are pictorial using either heterogeneous exposures or mattes. It is used to position actors across distinct backgrounds or sets. Mechanical Effects are the effects that deal with physical aspects. They are cultivated for live shoots. With the combination of pyrotechnics, animatronics, scenic and scaling models and props, you can give lively effects to the projects. Creation of atmospheric effects like artificial rains, winds, fogs, smokes etc is possible. Computer generated Imagery (CGI) has gained popularity in the filming industry with the advent of time and upcoming technologies.
It helps you create particular images and illusions of the artwork and frames in different forms with optical and mechanical effects as per the requirements. It focuses on manipulating the flow of actions and segmentations economically and graciously.
Course Outline:
- Introduction and environmental transition projects
- Projects on underwater effects
- Projects that are based on science fiction and fire
- Combinational projects that support the study of suite effects of the trap code
- Projects which help you to study about research
- Projects that cover up the contents giving productive and useful information on deconstruction.
- Projects that help you to comprehend the tracking of the movement of the images
- Final project that teaches you actual implementation of above
Course Outcome:
This course helps you learn various special effect techniques like morphing, miniature effects, bullet timing, wire removals, practical effects, motions, travelling matte, in-camera effects, rotoscoping, prosthetic effects of the makeup etc. The course will groom you well with the latest software like Photoshop, Nuke and Mocha. This course also offers you dedicated structure of learning under the set of trained faculties in order to solve your queries and learn new concepts. You will be able to practice good skills and arts, be aware of security issues, develop dramatic senses, meet the deadlines even if you are open to heavy loads of work etc.
Technologies Used:
Different types of technologies such as Pyrotechnic, giving up the special effects to movements, rotoscoping, arts etc are used. These techniques mark the segmentations in a very exquisite manner and turns out to be eye catching.
Career Scope:
Specialization in this course exposes you to numerous opportunities in drafting your career. With the knowledge of pyrotechnic, visual and physical effects, you could be placed in most reputed industries. With all of this training imparted to you during the course, you can establish yourself on the front end of any industry and gain various opportunities with immense zeal.
Why TGC?:
TGC offers you with a good infrastructure. It has trained set of faculties. It has separate computers for each student. Libraries have all types of references, and the staff is very co-operative. Students enjoy learning through a playful environment.
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