Mobile Applications or mobile apps as they are called are application software made for low power handheld devices. A lot of desktop applications also have mobile applications for handheld devices. Every software developer has to be abreast with the creation of Mobile Application. The two most common development platforms for mobile apps are Android and IOS SDK. Android makes use of Java with portions of C and C++ and IOS SDK makes use of objective C and objects Pascal. Android is the more popular development platform because it is universally used in a lot of mobile devices as against IOS SDK which can only be found on Apple Devices.
In creating Mobile Application for Android
- It is advisable to enroll in an android training Institute, where the basic concepts of Android development can be taught in a classroom manner. There are a lot of Android development training Institute in Delhi.
- Making use of an Android style Guide. Just like its name the Android style guide is a development guide that helps an android developer from wireframing right up to sales tracking when the app is finally released into the Market.
- Join a Community. Beta Bait is a social networking site for developers. It affords developers the opportunity to share their apps and get critique on it while it is still in the beta stage. These feedback from proficient developers would help make an app clearly suited for the specific people for which it is made. Stack Overflow is also another community for developers that doesn’t only deal with android mobile apps but everything that deals with the web, desktop and of course mobile application. Stack overflow is an android platform recommended destination for Android developers with over 1.9 million registered users and more than 6 million programming related questions asked and answered.
- Criticism: This is a very useful tool used in creating mobile applications. It tracks and keeps a list of real-time crashes, error reporting and live analytic when the app is in and out of testing.
- There are a lot of app development tools that can be used in creating mobile applications for Android. Examples range from Runrev, sites, and MobBase that are often used by non- developers to Motherapp and Phone Gap by seasoned app developers.
- An In-depth knowledge of Java, HTML, CSS, and Javascript is highly recommended for working with the free Android development tools. This might, however, be bypassed with the availability of many other application creation tools that enables non- traditional programmers make application software for Android devices.
- Marketing and Sales of your mobile app is something that you should also consider. Android apps are mostly downloaded on Google Play store. The pricing of the mobile app, mobile marketing and the expected revenue from the app should be considered before time. Sometimes the mobile apps have to be bug fixed and upgraded for better user performance. TGC India handles a mobile application development training in Delhi.
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