If you can’t find your customers elsewhere, you will find them on the internet! Internet marketing has become the key marketing form to tap millions of customers on the internet every day. Internet marketing is a great career option too. You can grab various roles as soon as you finish your internet marketing course.
This article discusses the career opportunities which open up after you finish up this course. You may choose a profile which suits your needs and abilities the best. Let us explore the popular options:
- Online Marketing Executive
An online marketing executive basically has to network with agencies and vendors and handle affiliate marketing, vendor meetings, agency initiatives etc. He/she also has to take care of e-mail marketing entirely. Apart from this he/she is expected to efficiently analyze large volumes of data and use web analytics tools like Google Analytics. If you possess good interpersonal skills and enjoy analytics then you can opt for this option.
- Internet/Web Marketing Analyst
If you are a number cruncher and possess good research skills then this profile will suit you the best. An internet marketing analyst is responsible for collecting raw data online, interpreting it and deriving trends regarding consumer behavior or sales online. He/she also has to design and implement online marketing strategies and implement SEO. This course can help you develop these skill sets.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Analyst
An SEO analyst is responsible for developing and implementing SEO strategies to improve a website’s rank on search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing etc. An SEO analyst should have an eye for detail to first understand what is wrong with a website and how it can be improved to attract quality traffic and improve ranking.
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Analyst
The role of an SEM analyst has a wider scope than an SEO analyst. SEO analyst mainly focuses on improving organic (free) search results. An SEM analyst utilizes the search engine fully to promote a website through mechanisms which may be paid like paid listings/pay per click. SEO is also a part of SEM. SEM analysts basically increase targeted traffic to a website.
- Social Media Executive
As the name suggests a social media executive is responsible for promoting and increasing the visibility of a website on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube etc. A social media executive is expected to enhance traffic on a website through social platforms. If you have good knowledge of the internet and enjoy browsing social media sites than this career option will suit you.
To sum up you have multiple career options as soon as you finish this course. You should choose the one which appeals to you the most. Join a good course which trains you holistically to take up any career option of your choice. Keep on reading blogs. Stay updated and you may grab your dream job soon!
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