If you are looking for everything branded to set up your Acoustic Sound Studio at your home, recording software and tools may cost you a lot. But you can still set up a decent studio to get started by investing up to INR 20,000. Though there will be a few limitations, it is simple to work around. Here’s what you will need to start – TGC is a leading music production and sound engineering training institute, we have passed out numbers of students those who are working professionally as music production artists, recording technicians, sound engineers, mixing artists etc. Following is the blog is written by Music trainer to give you quick street-smart techniques to set-up professional home studio.
A Microphone
Since you will be recording audio most of the time in your home studio, the microphone is the most important component. Be sure to get some good mics if you are buying on the low range. You may pick a USB mic if you just go bare-bones totally. You will have to do something more than podcasting.
An audio interface
An audio interface is something which connects your mic and instruments to your PC. Your studio monitor will also be connected with it. An interface can make or break your sound. So, don’t buy something low end.
Digital Keyboard
Are you recording live music only? You may not need a digital keyboard. If you want to play sampled and synthesized instruments, you can use it. If you want to add sounds to the software-generated music you will need it. There are 88 keys in a standard piano. Most of the digital keyboard may not replicate a piano very well.
DAW or Digital Audio Workstation software
All of these equipment are of no use without DAW software. If you have purchased an audio interface, you may get some of these for free. Many audio interfaces cover ProTools LE, Cubase LE, or free version of some of the widely used programs which can be used to play some digital instruments, provide a means of recording, add effects, and create an effective mix. You can also pick some other kinds of stuff for free or at an affordable price.
Studio Monitors
Basically, studio monitors are new for speakers but are a bit different. If you have a pair of speakers for your system, you can plug them with the single cable. You can connect them with stereo cables.
These speakers offer colored sound and audio signal can be emphasized somehow. It means sharp high ends and heavy bass without midrange.
If you are buying studio monitors, you can use your headphones for reference, i.e. for checking what mix will sound like on the equipment. However, you can mix with studio monitors because headphones don’t give a realistic feel of a stereo mix. If you want to use them, be sure to buy a good pair.
You may need different types of cables according to what you buy. If you are just buying a USB mic, you may not need any cable. A USB cable might be required but mic generally comes with one USB cable. If you are buying an audio interface, XLR cables will be needed for your mic(s) as well as ¼” TS cables for studio monitors.
All Done! Now what?
So, you’ve bought all your equipment, you need to connect everything and install drivers when needed. You will also need DAW software and set it up to use digital keyboard and audio interface.
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