Everyday we get hundreds of inquiries of aspirants willing to adopt Digital media either as being Animator, Web designer and Graphic designers etc., out of these hundreds of queries a lot of them are coming from African & other countries where penetration in entertainment and media education has been considerably low, Understanding the need of the time, TGC Animation and Multimedia pleased to express its gestures by offering Scholarship to the aspirants hailing from mentioned countries.
Scholarship includes minimum 30% and maximum 50% waiver from our typical fee structure along with free Study material. Scholarship doesn't include the accommodation and travel charges.
In case if you are interested and having a passion for Multimedia and Animation, you may apply now for the scholarships. There are just a limited no. of seats available if you are applying through scholarship.
If you are a deserving candidate and fulfilling our terms and conditions we will award you a scholarship on case to case basis.
Following is the list of Countries who all can apply for the Scholarship:
Africa | |||
Angola |
Burkina Faso | Burundi |
Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Comoros |
Congo, Dem. Rep. of the | Djibouti | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea |
Ethiopia | Gambia | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau |
Lesotho | Liberia | Madagascar | Malawi |
Mali | Mauritania | Mozambique | Niger |
Rwanda | Sao Tome and Principe | Senegal | Sierra Leone |
Somalia | Sudan | Tanzania | Togo |
Uganda | Nigeria | Zambia | |
Asia | |||
Afghanistan | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Cambodia |
Lao PDR | Maldives | Myanmar | Nepal |
Timor-Leste | Yemen | ||
Useful Links:
How to Apply:
- Send us a detailed information by filling up the form given below.
- For securing your registration on"first come first serve" basis, you have to transfer the amount minimum of USD 200 (Adjustble in the total fee) in our account.
- The rest of the amount can be transferred in installments, for which the details will be given after the registration process. If the students willing to pay all the remaining amount in one time, they will be given additional 5 percent discount.
- The classes will be offered at at our New Delhi (India) Center.Account Name: "Total Graphics Classes Private Limited"CURRENT A/C NO: "1603002100029176" Service Tax No.AACCT0885FST001 Punjab National Bank, N-13, NDSE-1, NEW DELHI-110049
You may also send us the Demand Draft with above mentioned information.
Please note the following codes, if payment is transfered by Net Banking/Country outside IndiaPlease note the following codes, if payment is transferred by Net Banking/Country outside IndiaSWIFT CODE: PUNBINBBDCG
BSR CODE: 302150
MICRO CODE: 110024103
AD CODE: 0301261290009For any inquiry about depositing the amount,
Call us at 91-11-65648689, 91-11-46026939TGC Animation & Multimedia Private Limited
H-85A, IInd Floor, South Ext. Part-I,
New Delhi-110049, INDIA
Ph.: 91-11-65648689, 91-11-46026939
Apply Now |