One of the more established training institutes in Animation, Graphic Design and Web Design, TGC has trained more then 12000 students in last 13 years.
BA Degree in VFX and Animation
We invite Portfolio faculty to compile the work in the most requisite form of presentation, as we know every student is important, we have a placement cell, that work with students and conducts interviews for them and get them assured placement during the course itself.
We have an excellent and clean past records of placements of students. We invite you to visit our center for more details on BA Degree in VFX and Animation.
Eligibility Criteria: 10+2
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BAVFXA11 --- Traditional arts and digital techniques
Basics of Sketching & Drawing
Historical and Contemporary Graphic Design
Fundamentals of Communication and Design
Tools & Techniques
The Process of Design
Type & Typography
The shape of Design
Career Opportunities in the Visual Art
Basics of Printing Technology
Creating e-Portfolios
BAVFXA12 --- Basic of Sketching and Drawing
Lines in different grades o pencils HB +0.8b,
Shading in pencil medium,
Shading, shading in different angles of pencil strokes,
Formatting in different textures in pencil,
Simple objects in drawing,
Simple shapes of geometrical shapes,
Paper division & forming of sky land, stones ,deserts,
Trees & plants, roadsides, rivers,
Perspective in lines in landscapes,
Different head shapes,
Characters, horror characters.
Human anatomy parts like hand, legs, arms,
BAVFXA13 --- Fundamentals of Photography
The Exploration Stage
The past and future of Photography
Selection and Treatment
Execution , Installation & Presentation
Inside the digital camera
The Principles of Photography
Types of cameras, Lenses,
Camera Controls, Exposure Meter
Managing Your Digital Assets
Beyond the Basics
Product Photography
Interior and Exteriors, Action and Sports Photography
BAVFXA14 --- Basic fundamentals of Film Making
Introduction to Film, HD, & Documentary Production
Pre - Production
What is Cinema?
CArt vs. Business
Film Form
Elements of a Screenplay
Elements of Cinematography
Elements of Film Directing
Elements of a Film Production
Elements of Film Editing
BAVFXA15P --- Practical on Film Making
Digital Fiction Production
Moving Narratives
Camera, Sound & Editing
Short Film Production
Writing for the Screen
Directing Actors
Documentary: Theory and Practice
Professional Industry Practice
Small Screen Production or Short Film, Big Screen
Movements in Film
Analysing Film, Broadcast and New Media
Advanced Camera, Sound & Editing
Planning, Production and Project Management
Directing Fiction and Drama
Experimental Film, Digital Feature Film Production
BAVFXA21 --- Introduction and Advancement of 3D
Introduction of 3D
Getting in Control of 3D Space
Solid Modeling and the tools of the Trade
Color, Texture and surface styles
Tips and tricks for good lighting
Virtual camera movement
Dummy properties
Character Animation
Using advanced techniques
Preparation for Multimedia Development
Post Production.
BAVFXA22 --- 3D Basics & 3D Environment Design
Introduction of 3D Basics
Environment and Set Design
Modeling and Texturing Environments and Sets
Lighting Considerations and Techniques
Intermediate Texturing
Fogs, Atmospheres, Volumetrics, and Special Effects.
Particle Systems: Basic, Advanced and Particle Flow
Post-production considerations
Character Design, Rigging and Animation
Bone-based Rigging, Biped basics
Attaching the model to the Biped ,Animating the Character
BAVFXA23 --- 3D Character Design
Designing for the screen
Simple 2D shape design
Volumetric design
Personality design
Costume and period design
Character line‐up
Model sheets: preparation
Designing facial expressions for animation
Advanced costume design
Modeling I: geometric polygonal sculpting in Maya
Advanced 3D design II: texture mapping
Modeling III: organic shape sculpting with Zbrush
BAVFXA24 --- Fundamental of UV layouts
Introduction to UV mapping
How to projects a texture map onto a 3D object.
What is UV mapping and how its work
How to project mapping (sphere, cylinder, box)
How to Create Texture in Photoshop
Import texture from Photoshop
How to apply mapping
Set the UV layouts according to Mapping
BAVFXA25P --- Practical on 3D Design
Designing for the screen
Simple 2D shape design
Volumetric design
Personality design
Costume and period design
Character line‐up
Model sheets: preparation
Designing facial expressions for animation
Advanced costume design
Modeling I: geometric polygonal sculpting in Maya
Advanced 3D design II: texture mapping
Modeling III: organic shape sculpting with Zbrush
BAVFXA31 --- Study of Animation and VFX
Communication & Communication Theories.
Introduction to Computing
Drawing & Sketching Graphic Design & Visual Arts.
Web Designing & Introduction to 2D Animation
Introduction to Advertising & Market Research
Introduction to 3D Animation.
Digital Video & Sound Editing.
Advance 3D Animation (Modeling & Animation)
Advance Cinematrics
Cartoon Animation & Special Effects.
Project- 2D Animation or 3D Animation
BAVFXA32 --- Look Development
Introduction to the basics of RIB.
Shaders – light source, surface and displacement
Application of textures to surfaces and the production of shadow files for casting shadows.
Archive RIB files and the management of level-of-detail.
Introduction to Pixars RenderMan Studio, attaching shaders, exporting RIB files and attaching a pre-shape MEL script to geometry.
Studio session devoted to working the level-of-detail assignment. Use of Shake scripts and batch rendering scripts.
Introduction to the RenderMan Shading Language, texture coordinates, surface normals and viewing vectors.
Writing shaders that produce repeating pattern and the use of the smoothstep function.
Review of the Maya pattern animation. Maya lighting and SLIM shading networks
Studio session devoted to working on the Maya lighting assignment.
Review the Maya lighting assignment. Use of RSL noise function and RenderMan coordinate systems.
Use of color ramps and noise to control opacity. Studio session working on the shader animation assignment.
Continue working on the shader animation project.
Edge effects using the vector dot product. Continue working on the shader animation project.
Designing and implementing a SLIM displacement shader. Continue working on the second part of the shader animation project.
BAVFXA33 --- Texturing, Lighting & Dynamics
Modeling Tips, Tools and Tricks new to Maya 2010. The approach to modeling when UV
Mapping is needed, Polygon Count, Quads and Tris, and proper topology for both Environments and Characters.
Modeling for UV Mapping, Environments and Characters. UV Mapping and Coordinate systems,
Types of Maps and Approaches to UV Pages. Powers of 2 and proper UV Page Layout.
Dissecting realism, what makes a 3D Scene look real? What’s the difference between
Reflections and Refractions?
Photoshop for texture painting and T-Pages, Custom tools and tricks to paint your props, environments and characters.
Advanced Maps for Games, Diffuse, Bump, Specular, Alpha, Displacement, Normal Maps.
Point lighting, standard lights, shadows and shadow maps, DMaps and Raytraced Shadows,
Mental Ray Ambient Occlusion Override.
Mental Ray Render Engine, Global Illumination, Final Gathering, Caustics, Physical Sun and Sky, Image Based Lighting and HDRI Rendering Mental Ray shaders and more Procedural Shaders in Maya Camera Animation and Rendering out sequences, Batch Rendering and Proper naming conventions for compositing frames and effects.
UV Mapping and T-Pages.
Rigging for Simulations.
Paint Effects for use as a go between, or to enhance your current scenes
Dynamics and Collision Simulations for games. Texture Effects and Animation for Simulations
BAVFXA34 --- Character Setup & Animation
Character Modeling
Preparation for modeling
Skinning and Advanced Deformers
Connecting attributes
Character Controls
Animation Basics
Character Animation Animation Tools
Animation of biped (two legs) character
Animation of quadruped (four legged) character
Animation of expressions
Preparing biped with character studio
Animating using character studio
BAVFXA35P ---- Practical on Dynamics and Character Animation
Particle system
3D fluid
N-cloth simulation
Setting goal and instancers
Dynamic hair and fur
Creating Soft body and Rigid body
Effects of Particles with Hair, Fur, Cloth – Dust Particles and Simulaitons
Sizing and Fixing Properties – Hands On: Sands and Glass Particles, Environment and Physical Structures
Preparing Animation of quadruped, Character Animation.
BAVFXA41 --- Study of 3D Integrations
3D tracking (camera tracking, match moving and object tracking).
Stabilizing live action footage .
Modeling, texturing and light in 3d models.
How to replace background with Set extension.
Sky replacement.
Simulating 3D cloud, smoke and fire with live action footage.
Simulating particle system with live action.
Matching 3d lighting with live action footage.
Color correcting.
Generating depth of field.
Rendering with passes.
Compositing passes in fusion.
BAVFXA42 --- 3D Rendering & Compositing
Blue Screen Shoot in Louis Hall
Avid Transfers, Medianet and Cross-system CODECs.
Basic Import and Layering Color Keying
Basic Rendering Simple Compositing
Basic After Effects Continued
Depth of Field, Keying Concepts Continued Grouping, Subcomps and Rendering Techniques
Typography, Page Design And masking Typographic tools, Mastering to iDVD
Timing and Keyframing
Texture in Design, Scanning, Color Modes Hullfish 6-8
3D Tools in After Effects
Time Remapping and Telecine process
Production Requirements for Final Project Production Package Design in iDVD
Color Correction Color Correction continued Visit to Telecine and Film Recorder facility
BAVFXA43 --- Match Moving & Video Editing
Multi-pass rendering
Video compositing
Match moving
HSV equalization
Animation curve editing
Sound effects synchronization
Movie frame rendering
The Gimp
Image Compositing , Introduction: The image, Image channels and layers, File formats,
Compression schemes .
Image I/O , Image Mapping ,Image Warping ,Image Morphing
Convolution and Image Filtering , Image and Video Compression
Frequency Analysis.
BAVFXA44 --- Language I
I. The Fundamentals of Web Design
The web we know today, working of web, history of web, evolution of world wide web, now days the use of internet, sample web pages, how did they are constructed, function and stand point, hands on good web sites , browsing good web sites, analyzing a sample site from a function standpoint.
II. The Principal of web Design
Well designed site from a poorly conceived one, difference between web and print design, focusing on those issues a web designer, discover top tem web design, and critique a sample site from an esthetic perspective.
III. Getting Started in Web Design
A technology does a web designer need to be master, look at well-stocked web design, software option for digital imaging, HTML editors and Multimedia, real-world design environment.
IV. Getting to know Java Script
Introduction, what is an object, object encapsulate state and behaviour, implementing objects, introduction, about the class, object description, methods, need for class, classes as abstraction, for sets of objects, class of object factory, about java, history of java, bytes code, java virtual machine, characteristics of java, types of java programming, writing program on bluej environment, creating a bluej project, adding a
new class to your project, editing a class code, compiling the sources code, saving output from the console window, printing your source, code, closing a project, opening
an exiting bluej project, executing a java application’s main method, creating (executable)jar file, creating documentation
V Script Analysis and Event Handlers
Java character set, keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, concept of data types, primitive data type, reference types, variables, declaration of variables, initialization of variables,
V. Working with Complete scripts
Operation in java, expressions, java statements, significance of classes, object as instance of class, function definition, function prototype and signature, accessing a function, call by reference, function overloading, calling overloaded function.
BAVFXA45P --- Practical on Editing and Compositing
Digital Design
Layer Based Compositing
Node Based Compositing
Match Moving
Camera Tracking
Non linear linear Editing
Title Graphics
Audio -Video Synchronization
BAVFXA51 --- Final stage of development
BAVFXA52 --- Animation Production
Introduction: Video Camera Control
Space and time within movies.
Screening of movie excerpts that portray movement through architectural space over different intervals of time: Forty Second Street, In The Street, Daybreak Express, Cinema Verite, Crises, Jazz Dance
Discussion of editing cuts.
Lens aperture, focal length, perspective, depth of field, exposure, videotape, video recording technology.
Portable digital video equipment, camera care and handling.
Depiction of Time and Space in Movies
Editing will be discussed in relationship to the treatment of time and space in movies.
Techniques of cutting and pacing, cutaways, jump-cutting, editing, l- cuts, splice-cuts, miseen- scene.
Movies which exemplify some relevant strategies for editing will be screened, including Raising Arizona, Follow The Fleet, Don't Look Back, Primary
Story Telling & Cinematic Truth
Critique and discussion of first assignment.
Build-up of shot->sequence->scene->movie.
Sequences from Employees Leaving Lumiere Factory (Lumiere), Arrival of Express Train at Lyons (Lumiere), Trip to the Moon (Melies), Don't Look Back (Pennebacker), Dead Birds (Gardner)
Pre- production of movie
Digital Editing Techniques and Equipment
Digital video formats.
Special effects in video editing
Chroma and luminance keying.
Transitions such as dissolves, end cuts, venetian blinds, etc..
Lighting: Types of Lighting and Use in Movies
Key light, fill light, daylight.
Comparison of animation .vs. video lighting.
Screening of movies where lighting used most critically, such as The Third Man ,The Magnificent Ambersons, Eaux D'Artifice and others.
Still life setup as an in-class exercise in lighting.
Advanced 3D Animation Techniques
Sequences from Tron, Jurassic Park, Toy Story 2, Titanic, The Incredibles
Advanced 3D animation techniques.
Morphing Materials editing.
Texture mapping and scaling.
Reflection mapping and scaling.
Bump map.
Opacity map.
Sound and Music: Digital Audio and Music [Potentially With Digital Music Group]
Sequences from Toy Story, Sesame Street, Mary Poppins, Mr. Blandings Builds His
Dreamhouse, The Harvey Girls, Cold Case.
Digital audio recording
Sound synthesis
Microphones, digital effects
Mixing multiple tracks
Syncronization of music with video, MIDI systems
Screening Discussion: Review of Assignment
The Third Man screening and discussion.
workshop: character animation with Reverse kinematics
Moviemaking: Movie Space and Real Space
The Third Man screening and discussion (continued).
Parametric Animation Techniques
Parametric animation.
Degrees of Freedom.
Advanced Digital Analog Editing Techniques and Equipment
Screening of sequences from Eames' films, Powers of Ten, Cosmic Voyage, Ball of Fire, Mr.
Blandings Builds his Dreamhouse, Hudsucker Proxy
Time-lapse/pixelation techniques
Configuration of editing room.
Review of NTSC Signal.
Build-up of shot->sequence->scene->movie.
Begin draft of team proposals for final assignment.
Chroma key, a/b rolling, special effects.
Begin draft of team proposals for final assignment.
Fourth assignment is due.
Special screening time to be announced.
advanced editing techniques, keys and filters.
Editing Strategies and Structure of Story Telling
Screening and Detailed Analysis of Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can.
Bring your own popcorn & refreshments, and plan on a late evening.
Mixing Video and Computer Graphics
Review of technologies for frame grabbing, wave form monitor, analog to digital converters.
NTSC and RGB video signals.
In class practicum on chroma key merging of video and computer graphics.
Bringing Closure to Movies
Story telling via interconnecting of images produced with various electronic media.
Screening and discussion of movies which exemplify the mixing of media such as from Siggraph, Batman, Bladerunner, Tron, Beauty and the Beast, Jacques Tati Films.
Discussion and screening of rushes for of semester projects.
workshop: review of rough cut for final project.
Final screening of all student projects.
BAVFXA53 --- Case Studies
The Assignment: The assignment is to photograph an object so it can be animated on the Internet. By taking a series of 6 pictures the object can be made to "rotate" much as if a movie were taken of it.
Composition: These range from expensive "object rigs" to plastic ones from a kitchen store. To capture the sequence to be animated, you place the object in the exact center of the turntable and rotate it a specified amount between shots. The more pictures in the series, the smoother will be the animation. If you rotate the turntable 60 degrees between each shot you can take five pictures (360 / 60 = 5). If you rotated it about 51 degrees between each shot you could take 6 images.
Lighting: Lighting is arranged much like it was in the last case featuring Road Runner. It's side lit by the main light through a diffuser. A light positioned directly above the toy illuminates the top of the feathers.
Camera Settings: Because the reflected light varies slightly as you rotate an object, automatic exposure may vary causing the background to flicker when you animate the series. To prevent this from happening, use manual exposure mode or exposure lock.
BAVFXA54 --- language II
I. The ABCs of HTML
Begins with an HTML overview, how HTML evolved, how to construct a basic HTML page, explore the ins and outs of formatting, Web colors, images, and links, essential elements of a Web page, to create files and folders using the correct directory structure, view source code to learn from the inspiration of others, create an online menu for a restaurant.
II. Tools for Tables
HTML tables are used everywhere on the Web as a layout, content organization tool, tools for tables, construct them,, format them, place elements in them, and fix them when they break, to add sophistication to your tables by modifying their properties, adding background colors and images, and using cols pan and row span tags, explore a common application for tables by building an e-commerce product page from scratch.
III. Putting it all together
A taste of some of the challenges of a professional HTML assignment, the dynamic templates often used to construct e-commerce sites, an introduction to how HTML interacts with other coding languages such as ASP and Cold Fusion, the "front end" of a form is created, to create common form elements, wraps up with a guide to common HTML troubleshooting issues, create a 4-page "prototype" for an ecommerce site.
BAVFXA55P --- Practical on Animation Industry market study
UNIT – 1
Beginner level – Introductory concepts to basic techniques in Animation – Principles of Animation Production.
UNIT – 2
Layout – Background Painting Basic and Advanced techniques layout – Basic and Advanced techniques in BG Painting.
UNIT – 3
Intermediate level – Introductory concepts to basic techniques in Animation Principles of Animation Production.
UNIT – 4
Digital Animation – Course Introductory concepts of Animation – Animation Production – High-end Digital Production Software- US ANIMATION (V5.2).
UNIT – 5
Cleanup and In-between – Introductory concepts to basic techniques in Animation – Principles of animation Production of cleanup and in-betweens.
UNIT – 6
Polygonal Modeling – Using primitives - Converting 5-,6-,7-,8-,9-,-Sided Polys to Quads – Creating Linear Templates – Working With Poly Editing Tools: Making
Simple Hand – Sub div Proxy Modeling – Splitting Polygons – Creating Areas of Details on a Poly Mesh(Surface)
UNIT - 7
Modeling with NURBS – Lofting, Revolved Surface, Extruded Surface, Planar Surface, Beveled Surface, Boundary Surface – Combining Techniques and Surface
History – Modeling with Deformers – Editing NURBS Surfaces – Using NURBS Surfacing to Create Polygons – Converting NURBS to Polygons - Patch Modeling – Using Artisan to Sculpt NURBS
UNIT – 8
Modeling with Deformers and Subdivisions Surfaces – The Lattice – Creating a Base Poly Model, Converting it to a subdivision Surface and Converting Back to Polygons – Human Hand and Character’s Head
UNIT – 9
Basic Animation – Creating Keys – Setting Breakdown Keys – Bouncing a Ball – Creating and Editing Keys Using the Graph Editor – Adding “Whiz Bang”, Squash and Stretch – Converting Cycled Animation to Curves
UNIT – 10
Character Animation – Skeletons – Clusters and Lattices - Forward and Inverse Kinematics – Using the ikRP Solver, ikSC Solver, ik Spline Handle Solver, ik Spring Solver, Human IK Solver – Switching between FK and IK – The Animation Process:
Posing, Timing and Refining.
BAVFXA61P --- Project I Modeling / texturing-Lighting /Animation
Course Overview 3D Modeling & Animation
Introduction to 3 Dimensional
Lighting and Cameras,
Improved lighting.
Mesh Modeling Tools
Material Basics
Material Properties
More Modeling Techniques: Subsurface & Mirror Importing reference images.
Presentations of Projects,
Key Frame Animation
Animation Cycles
Parent Child Animations
Curve Path Animations
Desk Lamp
Due at the beginning of class on
Armatures: Creation & Parenting
Inverse Kinematics
More Materials: Applying Textures
Subsurface Scattering
Environmental Modeling
Scene Staging
BAVFXA62P --- Project II Visual effects /Editing/ Compositing
Camera tracking and Match Move
Z- Channel work
Colour grading and correction
Clean Up of plates
Film, log and linear film data
Optimisation of pipeline
Assessment will be practical.
Digital Crowds
Set Extensions, matte painting
3D morphs
Assessment will be practical.
Importing Footage
Surface Properties
Motion Graphics
Parenting & Null Objects
Nesting & Commit to Disk
Compositing & Keying
Building a Finished Composite
Non-Linear Editing, Color Correction
3D Post Output & Saving Options